Category Archives: Maynards

The Problem With Education is the Teachers | Melissa Hughes, Ph.D. | LinkedIn

Several years ago I sat on the sideline and watched two soccer coaches and a referee have it out on one of the field during a young elementary game. Colorful cards flew and blew. Us parental types watched a while until something else caught our attention. Both teams of kids, on their own, went to the other end of the field and started kicking the ball around. Long before the “adults” figured out their stuff, the kids figured out what to do with a lot of drama over NOTHING!

I’ve learned in my pursuits in project management, that connecting with and understanding the stakeholders of a project is not optional. It is crucial to the success of a project. The PM can only delegate to a point. He or she must deeply understand the expectations of all involved.

This floods my mind when I hear someone blame economic problems on teachers. Rare is the administrator that understands his or her staff, much less the politician that has a clue of “stakeholdership” other than the ballot box.

Melissa Hughes, Ph.D., explains what is really going on. Brief read that effectively covers a lot of ground. Check it out!

The Problem With Education is the Teachers | Melissa Hughes, Ph.D. | LinkedIn.

The Truth About Porn Moms Need to Know – iMom

Dana Hall McCain wrote this article on    The Truth About Porn Moms Need to Know – iMom.  Wonderful article that highlights staggering realities of our times. These truths about porn are disturbing, and yet we must deal with them.

Stand up comics, sitcoms, and some music (and some music award shows) preach that porn is normal and an expected part of life. Mix that up with the convenience of our technology and there is trouble in the making. Many students speak the language of technology better than their parents. Just as with so many other “keeping up with the Jones” things, we should provide high speed internet – and who would think of being so controlling and invasive as to monitor and regulate it. Besides, it’s a real pain.

This trouble in the making is that it’s more of a virus than an explosion. It shows itself in attitudes and preferences. The effects can hide for years, and later surface in time to melt the intimacy of marriage away, and then the family pays for the sickness. It normalizes not only behavior that is destructive and wrong, but holds as the standard – evil goals for the impressionable mind. And on top of that, it cradles the soul to the fantasized ever moving target of addiction.

Think putting safeguards around the Internet in your house is a pain? It is! Expensive? Yes. Never ending challenge? Yep. But think it compares to a lifelong struggle of breaking this addiction?   Before deciding if it’s worth it, talk to someone who is in that place. Suddenly, the cost of avoidance is minuscule in comparison.

It’s not a fair fight! We can’t do nothing.

Witness for Jesus

I asked a number of friends to tell me what the words WITNESS FOR JESUS brings to their mind. Here are the responses so far. Great stuff!

  • Bringing the light out inside us……..being good examples to others….
  • Standing for the truth of Christ, even when others have their own opposing case against us.
  • To be a witness for somebody, you have to know them. Apostles – face to face time with Jesus to know him. Paul ultimately spent time with Jesus with he was hung on the cross, in the desert, etc. We have to spend time with Jesus to be a witness. Must be in His Word, in Prayer, and live His Life!
  • Isn’t there some expression about letting your walk talk and your talk walk??? Anyway…that’s what comes to my mind immediately…
  • Remember we are an extension of Him, and think of everyone we come in contact with as a future member of Gods family. When they see us they should “witness” Him through our words and actions.
  • from my 10 year old: see things that Jesus does, from my 13 year old: you are witnessing all the good things that Jesus is doing for people. From me, the mom: Giving God the glory when I am noticed for the things I do as a result of my love for Him. Not being afraid to tell others what Jesus has done for me
  • Imitating Him, acting as He would, interceding for people who don’t have anyone.
  • Denying yourself.
  • Going above and beyond the norm with people who don’t believe yet in everything even little stuff. Specially the little stuff.
  • Someone constantly telling others how God is using them for his purpose.
  • Let them see God in me, even if they don’t know my name.
  • It means that I tell others about Jesus, His church and how much He loves them and wants them to live eternally with Him.
  • Reminds me that not only do I deliberately witness for Jesus at specific times, but in the way I live my life, every day choices and words, are a witness whether I’m realizing it or not. Big challenge to live my life in keeping with what I say I believe.
  • Living the LIFE: ALWAYS considering others better than yourself, EVEN when they do not treat you in a fair manner.  Always being the peacemaker, even if you have to crawl to get the job accomplished.  Always forgiving because Christ forgave us. If we fail to do this we have failed to be a witness that moment, day. etc.
  • One who attests of a fact or event, or one that can give evidence. Someone who is called upon to and is able to testify to the facts or event because they were present to view such.  ie, God called His people, His witnesses, Isa. 43:10. The apostles acknowledged themselves to be such in Acts 22:15 and 26:16. Jesus being “faithful witness”.

Helping Richard Rigby’s Family

Richard Rigby, my wife Kimberly Maynard’s 36 year old brother, was under hospice care at home.

Richard Rigby died this afternoon.
Viewing Tuesday, Oct 29, 5p-7p and service at 7p
Randall & Roberts Funeral Home, Logan St., Noblesville

Richard has struggled for years with Autism and other health issues. Recently, it was discovered that he has inoperable brain cancer. They Drs expected a short time remaining in this world for Richard.

The many prayers and cards are so appreciated by the family. In addition, some have asked about helping financially—the largest need is final expenses. Green Valley church of Christ is accepting donations for that purpose. If interested in helping this way, here is how to best help:

Green Valley Church of Christ

19005 Cumberland Rd

Noblesville, IN 46060

Memo Line: “Rigby Family”

Pray for “Z”

This day started in a fog, literally.  Two-hour school fog delays are awesome for just about everyone, but me. I don’t really care much for them.  I was late to a meeting with some great brothers to discuss our tight churches finances. These brothers are amazing, but what I’ve written alone should tell you the excitement of the work.  Then, finally back in my office, I contemplated the ramifications of a possible delay in pay checks, etc…  and then I got a call about ‘Z’.

I know more about Z, that I can’t publish, for this 19 year old Christian’s sake. You see, Z’s Muslim family, from another country, permitted Z to come to the States for an education.  Z was recently baptized into Christ, and word has made it all the way home. Z must return  home soon. If Z recants Christianity and again practices Islam, Z will likely live. If not, death is sure. Z said of this, “how can I forsake my Lord who I have only just gotten to meet? I know what waits me.”

My kids went school today and used their newly provided Ipads in class. I’m going to a football game where my son’s team is playing later today. Yesterday, I attended church services, and was so blessed to be with God’s kids and their families. Our church is organizing to pray daily for all 98 of our kids from Nursery through College. This is a tremendous blessing. I’m simply blessed beyond measure.  And then I noticed something that shames me. My thoughts first went to my blessings, which is all very true.  BUT, I didn’t jump to the love of Jesus.

Z has brought to me a huge reminder.  While the Lord is my greatest blessing, that wasn’t what I first typed… and while I’m tempted to edit… I won’t.  Z is living out my Jesus’ words literally! Is Z’s life in Jesus less valuable than mine? Z’s story makes me sad – how could this be? And Z’s life gives me great encouragement! Not one bit of any effort, funds, or sacrifice for the young is wasted. Perhaps, had I the vision of Z, I would talk less about broken government and healthcare, and a lot more about my Jesus. My Lord. I’m wondering if I’m alone in that?

If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.  What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels  (Luke 9:23-26).

Calling on Moses

Moses wasn’t called to do anything easy. His life bears out the challenges that he faced. God set him on a path at the burning bush that would profoundly change not only his life but history as well. Our focus this year is to not allow those moments of history to be relegated to an occasional reading or teaching—but to allow the reality of God’s intervention to engross us. By the way, Jesus called us as Christians to a clear purpose. We articulate that in our goal of “loving people one step closer to Jesus.”  It is my prayer that MWLTC, rather than becoming a side event we acknowledge or even tolerate, but instead bring to life in our congregation and our kids, the power of God’s call to us today. Here’s some things currently happening with mwLTC in general.

  • We working really hard to get guidelines reviewed and available. All will be posted at
  • We are adding at least two events this year. One is the Spoken Word, which is really exciting. We are going to call this a BETA event, which means we are trying it out. While there are guidelines, they are general, no evaluations, all who step up will get a participant and be helping get the activity fine tuned.  We are also opening up an option for Bible Reading and Bulletin Boards to be done at home.
  • We are looking to sponsor and area wide  youth rally of sorts at Green Valley on November 9. More info to come.


Shevet Achim: Christian Volunteers Helping Muslim Children


Shevet Achim: A non-profit organization in Jerusalem that helps Muslim children with heart defects come to Jewish doctors for life-saving heart surgery.

But it’s more than just that. Shevet Achim is a community of Christian volunteers who live together with the Muslim families sharing their lives, the painful journey of children on the operating table, and the daily light of Christ through love and service.

  • Come hear Josh and Madelyn Miles (daughter of Doug and Melissa Wiley) share about their experience living in Jerusalem and working with Shevet Achim for the past two years.
  • Open Q&A afterward for any range of questions from the ministry to Islam, Judaism, or any related topics.
  • Wednesday August 28th, at 7:00 p.m., Center Road church of Christ.


Kid Friendly

We are blessed to have many early child hood educators and folks knowledgeable to work with kids. It’s time to look at our kid areas in our building. Particularly Room 111, 112, 113 and 117.

  • Are these spaces kid friendly?
  • What goes on in a child’s mind when they come to these spaces? Is the space age appropriate? Is it fun for the kids?
  • Environment is a huge message to kids and their parents. Are we sending the message we want to send?
  • It’s challenging because of the multiple uses some of this space serves.   Are there things we can do to help these spaces serve the kids ministry better?

I am inviting anyone interested in the congregation to form a group with me to consider this need. First meeting will be 30 minutes long, starting at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14. Let me know you can come or you are interested. The form below works well and is provided for your convenience. I’m looking forward to the discussion!

VBS Opportunities This Week

Two Special Opportunities to Help with VBS are this week!!


Wednesday at 3:00 (7/17)

Our fabulous drama team is videoing for our skit production for VBS. I can’t wait to see the amazing things they will come up with. Anyone can help… we need lots of “crowds”!!  Feel free to use the response box below to volunteer or ask questions.


Friday at 10:00 a.m. (7/19)

We are gathering at the Building to work on Craft Preparations, Decorations, and Blow Up Posters. We’ll scrap up some munchies including some Robin Helm cookies.  Feel free to use the response box below to volunteer or ask questions.

Cards for Tim

As we announced at Center Road,  Tim McIndoo is having a horrible time with his health.

His daughter, Renee is willing to accept cards for Tim and his family and make sure they get them, since there is still hospital care involved.

Tim & Wendy McIndoo
c/o Renee Boschain
1335 S Wausau St.
Warsaw, IN 46580