Category Archives: InterGenLink

Creating Business Value by connecting the Generations.

Dos & Don’ts of Networking Across Generations

woman wears beige suit hand shaking man wear suit

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Opportunities to Network can be viewed much like the half full or half empty glass. While results do vary widely, the approach taken can have a huge impact on whether or not the take away is a success. There is a lot of confusion about what networking really is all about. There are a few professions that may not emphasize soft skills, but it’s a shrinking group. Networking is about soft skills.

Add to the mix that there are now four generations of people still in the workforce and number five is entering now. Soft skills are needed to network well within a like generation to yourself, but when you mix it up a little, it becomes imperative that you are very aware. That won’t change as you move to most working environments, so consider networking with various generations to be time well spent. Here are some dos and don’ts that come to my mind.

Do remember that first impressions matter. If you are unsure, ask your friends to practice networking with you and invite them tell it like it is with the way you look, the expression on your face, and how you act.

Don’t get fake with it. Let your self improvement from your networking practice be a help, but don’t get so stressed about it that you come off like you are unsure of why you are there.

Do some research on multiple generations in the work place. There’s lots of deep information available but you really only need to Google a few charts of the different values of various generations. It’s for your awareness, not to share at the event!

Don’t evangelize on your generation compared to others! Under no circumstances let words come out of your mouth like, “I bet you are one of those Millennials that doesn’t want to work…” or “You are probably one of those Baby Boomers with a flip phone…”  Just Don’t.

Do be genuinely interested in others’ accomplishments. Listen for the way they think.

Don’t be desperate, even if you are. This goes back to your practice sessions with friends. I think this is the hardest part for the job seeker who has been at it for a while… and has bills.

Do spend some time assembling a shortlist of ways you might be able to contribute to the concerns of other people in other generations. This is for your mind only. It can help you engage in conversations.

Don’t read the list when networking. Don’t get the list out of your pocket. Don’t view it as a checklist. It’s a resource for your mind only.

Do keep your business cards with you. After meaningful conversation, ask if you can connect with them on LinkedIn and share a card with them. It’s ok to ask if you can have their card… but be reasonable. And yes, business cards are still in – the app is great, but keep business cards with you.

Don’t shove cards in peoples face like a speed date! It’s obnoxious!  Don’t bring your resume to pass out, unless specifically asked to do so. Have those in car, just in case someone asks – but they probably will not. That’s for later, maybe.

Do be a learner and look for opportunities to ask questions. Look to learn more about other people and interact like you would over a cup of coffee.

Don’t become pressuring in the conversation. Don’t bring the 45 lb planner, leave that in the car or at home. And don’t ask the main speaker what he or she does for a living… speaking from experience – just avoid that. Pay attention to what’s going on.

This isn’t an exhaustive list but just some of the things I’ve learned in my networking experiences. If I view networking as a necessary evil, I will in some way communicate that message and it won’t end well. However, I must say that I have come to really enjoy networking opportunities.

Never pass up the opportunity to network even if the opportunity isn’t about what you want to do. There’s a lot to say about being seen. There are a host of professional networking groups to take advantage of.  As my friend Chris Waymire has taught many times, don’t miss an opportunity to network, take a friend with you, and ditch them. You will both be glad you did.

I welcome your thoughts!

Categorizing and Assuming… Not Always the Answer

One size does not always fit all. I learned long ago that “one size fits all” baseball caps – don’t – namely – don’t fit me. I think other people look great in them but when I squeeze my head into one with great pain and agony, I only get a deep ring indent around my

unknown person facing sideways

Photo by Eric Hammett on

skull and a nice “marshmallow with a rubber band on one end” type of look. It’s a fat heads need not apply kind of thing.

In life, education, processing of information, etc., categorizing and making assumptions is part of the fabric of human functioning. The greatest of human accomplishments depend on this basic process. However, it doesn’t always work in relationships with other people. One size does not fit all.

I’m a firm believer that teams are stronger when creativity and trust are fostered. While it is true that team members should demonstrate trust and trustworthiness, it should be “doable” on the team. This becomes NOT doable when we measure motives instead of actions and categorize and assume without truly understanding a person’s motives. Don’t expect a one size fits all mentality to work.

For example, one of the areas where I see this issue arise is in the workplace because it is now occupied by four identified generations. While these identifications are only general references, they do help highlight differences in the way of thinking of different age groups. We are all impacted by world events and influences in our upbringing and life experience. How work is done and how it is viewed has evolved tremendously the over the last 60 or 70 years. It’s an area ripe for categorizing and assumptions about people from one era or another, which means it’s a conflict generator. How things once were or perhaps “should be” easily can become one size fits all thinking that will lead to false assumptions and wrong categorization.

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Photo by Pixabay on

We’ve been focusing on this issue at cfd Investments, Inc. where I serve as Project Manager. We’ve developed some activities to help us discuss this issue and we have sought out resources to educate our company on this topic. We want to avoid making assumptions about “young” or “old” that hinder the creation of trust, creativity, and productivity. I’ve seen our efforts to move away from a one size fits all mentality make a difference.

Keep assumptions and categories where they belong, but use great care when it comes to people. Even though there are challenges, I don’t believe it’s ever a mistake to be vested in your team or your teammate’s success.  When it comes to people, avoiding a one size fits all mentality is a win all the way around.

Five Actions to help Seasoned Professionals Adapt to Technology

Is technology a barrier for seasoned professionals?

YES! The answer is yes.

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I don’t want it to be so, because I am a seasoned professional. I want to be able to say that tech isn’t a problem – just get trained on it. But that’s the trouble… no one’s going to train you any more… you have to do that for yourself. No one owes you that anymore. “Come on board and we’ll train you” doesn’t exist anymore. Get over it!

If I’m interviewing someone, I’m looking for aptitude. I don’t need to build a program to train someone, I need to walk them through a few screens and have them producing. I don’t really like this position because the tables are easily turned on me. But it’s where I find myself.

So, how does this happen – the turning of the tables? It’s when I find myself across the table from an interviewer… and the skin crawls on my neck when I sense they will take one look at me and assume I can’t deal with tech. They are incorrect, but that doesn’t matter. It’s on me to cleverly prove otherwise. Is it right? I don’t think so. But do a few interviews or talk to a few recruiters when in midlife and you’ll figure it out quickly. Get ready for those canned automated rejection letters.

There are solutions for this issue, but they are not easy. It takes a continual openness to redefining what work looks like. Need a shortcut? Good luck. Need a quick list so you can get back to the way things “used to be?” I don’t think you’ll find it.  Want to know the best tech to get educated on?  As long you are buying, you can learn a lot of different tech packages. Everyone and their uncles and aunts have websites, books, and seminars on such for purchase. But which one? You won’t know till you apply for a Job! And then it’s too late. Oh by the way, the best tech list changes all the time.

Aspiring professionals were reared with technology at their fingertips – it’s woven into who they are. Will they someday become seasoned professionals about whom these types of conversations are had? Most likely – so if you find yourself with the upper hand in quickly integrating tech into your life, be KIND, you will probably reach a point in your life when the tables will get turned on you.

Does that mean seasoned professionals can’t be in the tech game? Absolutely NOT!  Here are a few suggestions I think are helpful.

Change your mindset. Dump the criticizing of other generations. Dump the dream of having “earned the right” not to be in learning mode. Be open minded. Be in learner mode. The best teachers are those who continue to also be a student.

Find a Mentor – swallow your pride and get one younger than yourself – maybe considerably younger. You can help them gain Training Experience by allowing them to train YOU. It’s a win-win. Is it going to work for everyone? No, but look for opportunities… you’ll find them.

Use LinkedIn Jobs whether or not you are looking for a job. Set searches for Jobs you might be interested in and note the technology that is noted in most of the descriptions. Make a to-do list accordingly.

Subscribe to a Course Offering. Turn off the news – it’s not hard to catch up on and you probably won’t really miss anything you can do anything about anyway. Spend that time auditing online course offerings. I maintain a subscription to  Very reasonable in cost and rich in content.

Network. This is not just talking with people like yourself, but connect with people of all ages. You’ll learn stuff and you may encounter your next opportunity.

I’m a strong believer in connecting generations to create value. I’d love to have your thoughts.

Interns Helping Us Link Generations

In my work as a Project Manger for cfd Investments, Inc. and also with InterGenLink, I get to work with some of the neatest people in the world! CFD has entrusted me to supervise our Interns this Summer as they have for some time. I enjoy this part of my job a lot. We are currently working on a effort that is right up my ally: connecting the generations. We were inspired at a workshop we attended with the presentation because it was an interactive game. (No powerpoints read to us!) It was a fantastic experience that I highly recommend to any organization.

The workshop was provided by Shafer Leadership Academy in connect with  guided by Mitch Isaacs.  I believe that overcoming generational differences in the workplace is the key for a company or organization to succeed. You can bring Shafer to your establishment with confidence.

Shafer’s activity lasted 5 hours for us. Sound like a long time? Nope! It went by too fast. I and my team learned a great deal. We developed our own much lighter version of a similar game to help our staff consider why generations have a different view of the workplace, and to work on ways to bridge the differences to create value for our company.

The old saying that the things that bind us together are stronger than the things that separate us is so true. If we can peel back the layers of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, politicized news coverage and 24 hours a day of social media and marketing, we can discover the things that bind us together – and they are many. It can change the way you see the world.

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Kiersten Huey, Nolan Stout and Bailey Owens (2019 Interns) Cassy Malson (Compliance Analyst)

Our team of Interns along with one of our Compliance Analysts and our HR Director worked tirelessly on this project. It was really neat seeing it come together… and it was a bit different than the normal financial services business landscape!

We have been spending an hour with each department in our company playing the game which incites discussion and provides some background to why people may think they way they do. While this transcends the workplace, it is very impactful there. The more we play the game, the more we realize that a little understanding really helps see the best in the people we work with. Skill levels are different. Technology is way different. Goals and



focus vary. Being human… doesn’t. Does this fix every problem… nope! But it does help lay the groundwork for people from different generations to reach across to someone of another generation to solve very real present day problems.

In my mind, organizations that find a way to make this possible are the ones that will succeed in the rapidly changing environment we find ourselves in. As for those who don’t, a very unsure path lies ahead.

If you are a CEO or Manager, consider giving Mitch Isaacs a call! It’s very worthwhile.

You are Never Too Young or Old to Be Kind

Being kind to someone is valuable and lives on, even past your memory of it. I was reminded of this on a recent trip to see my mom in Arkansas. As I enjoyed my KFC I heard my mom say my name (she was having a conversation at the table behind us, which she always does, because she knows everyone). “Well, he’s right there…” and I entered a conversation with a lady I didn’t know.

Her name is Sherry and she was telling my mom I had given her

a Bible many years ago (way too many). I had no memory and still have no idea. More than all of that, she still has it! “Oh, I’ve got in the car” as she scooted out the door. Upon return she produced the Bible.

Let me tell you that 1981 was a long time ago. At the risk of locking myself in the wrong algorithm for any future job prospects in the ever popular Applicant Tracking Systems — I was a high school junior. We spent a few minutes catching up on life and went on our way. It’s such a big small world!

That gift obviously meant more to Sherry than it did to me. My brain doesn’t hold that kind of info. Want to bridge time and make a difference? Be kind and give people important stuff – like eternal words. Be encouraging – it will probably come back to visit.

Mentoring is Timeless

header1Taking an interest in the success of others, especially those who are younger, is one of the greatest gifts you can give. It’s the ultimate mentorship program and it’s timeless.

I was blessed to have several adults pour into my life when I was young, and I think it’s why it’s a high priority to me to do for others. Though they have passed away now, the efforts of a retired couple for me will always keep Earl and Bertine alive in me. They often hired me in my early teens to mow and do other upkeep on their rather large property in Arkansas.

Too many memories to write here but I’ll mention one of the strongest. Earl spent his working life building carburetors and was very mechanical however age had taken his eyesight. He channeled his impediment to telling me what to do with my 11 year old hands. It wasn’t easy for either if us but with patience he guided me to repair countless pieces of equipment. It was mostly with words but sometimes I guided his hands to show me by feeling how to take complex machines apart and out them back together again.

Always be ready to give patient guidance and to receive the same. Don’t let the spreadsheets and performance metrics of projects and programs rob you of the opportunity. You’ll be glad.

Where are the Partnerships we Need?

In my former life as a Project Manager- cloaked as  Youth and Family Minister – I saw a significant need for generational healing in the church setting. I saw over and over the fiery zeal of youth extinguished by direct or perceived criticism of effort or intent. On the other side, it was not uncommon to hear seasoned people include “these kids these days…” in their conversation. I also heard a lot of how useless and dumb older people were coming from the other direction.  I thought… “that’s stupid”… and I set about to do something about it. I talked with a lot of people and explored a lot of ideas and the outcome of the quest was a successful leadership program for youth that sought team up people across generations for something bigger than themselves.

Fast forward and I have transitioned to Project Management in the business world. The transition was a positive one for a positive reason, in case you are wondering. I work for a great company and I deal with lots of companies daily. I don’t get taken aback that often, but I’m taken aback when I see the same dynamic playing out in the business world that I saw in the young folk’s world in the past.

I’m excited to hear of the initiatives to connect millennials. Smart companies are restructuring how they do business and what the work place looks like. Cities are being rebuilt with millennials in mind. All of this I get excited about for the future – even though I passed up the targeted age group a good while back. Honestly speaking, however, that doesn’t mean it’s all good or the most productive way to do all things. I’m digesting everything I can on more flexible project management approaches. It’s good, but it’s not all good.

On the other hand, I hear – let’s call them “seasoned professionals” (actually, I qualify) – still lamenting the “kids these days”. Attitudes, dress code, approaches to using the tools (i.e. phones), work ethics -and on and on – permeate discussions.  Are the generalizations true? Sometimes, but not always.  I have learned that sometimes people on their phones in my meetings are doing work for me… not playing games – or maybe they are doing both. I have also learned that someone who is anxious about a software enhancement isn’t dead yet – and has tremendous value to offer.

There are efforts on many fronts to be inclusive and to break down barriers. I see more about one generation “breaking the other” than I do the breaking down barriers between age groups. And that is stupid. I believe enormous business value is being missed over this dynamic – and I want to do something about it. It’s what I do. My motto is, “I’m not afraid to be wrong, but I’m not going to do nothing with projects and people entrusted to my care”.  There’s far more wisdom out there than I have – regardless of age group. If you are willing, please share your thoughts or your answers to these questions.

What commonalities span all age groups as points of agreement?

What business functions or tasks do you see that a “cross generation” team could benefit? What are the things in business or client relationships that are “bigger” than age?

What efforts have you see to bridge the generations at work?

So far, as a PM…

I officially began my career in Project Management in a business setting on October 6, 2015. Before that I served as a youth and family minister who did a whole of projects in the church setting. It’s an interesting comparison and contrast. The journey from my former career started with acquiring PMP certification followed by a roller coaster ride of searching for a career opportunity. Since being hired as a project manager, I’ve learned a whole lot, and continue to learn a lot more every day. I was asked recently what I think is important when beginning a career in Project Management and that caused me to think of these things.

Don’t be afraid to be wrong. There’s a lot to be said for giving it your best shot while being correctable and teachable.  I have found more tools (usually for sale) to manage projects than I can possibly ever understand. Certifications offer a host of tools best used not as a standard to achieve, but as a toolbox from which to pull. Sometimes you can see much of what has to be done, and sometimes it’s foggy. That human tendency to not make a move until you have checked, double checked, verified every detail will make it tough to progress. Study the project’s needs and proceed in a direction until you know better. When you know better, do better.

Don’t do “nothing” on your project (s). This statement follows the first point, in my motto. Get past the fear of being wrong, and then be tenacious about the project. In a world where the absolute least effective way to communicate (email) is used most, by far – well, I just don’t think a PM can be content with that much of the time. Communicate, communicate, and communicate.  Whether it’s a powerful schedule program, an excel sheet, or a post-it on your nose, find a way to track the lose ends. Those are the things that have been my gotchya’s – so don’t do nothing. Carefully dig deeper so that you don’t believe something’s being done or is done, that isn’t. Those loose ends need not be from a slacker, most folks are simply washed away with their work loads. So, don’t do nothing on the project.

Work to truly be a team player.  As much as possible, cultivate a “I’m here to help” culture everywhere you can. I think one can have the best tools, perfect schedule, and watertight plan, but if you must resort to “making” people do their work – whatever that means – it’s a tough road ahead. I’ve already figured out that some PMs are just downright annoying about this. In my view the PM is a leader, a leader of people. When I have been able to “come along beside” a team in a helpful way, I have found a welcome mat and a willingness to work together. That’s not to say that you won’t have to “make” some people do their stuff, but I believe success is a lot closer when you can lead by doing, by being present, by pitching in to help, by understanding and by being willing to work just as hard as you ask anyone else to work. And be positive and optimistic!

That’s my story so far. It may end up like parenting – I thought I knew a lot more about that till I had kids – but I think not fearing being wrong, doing something with projects, and helping your team will help a PM along the way. I’m interested in any thoughts or feedback.

Think Applying for a Job is first with a Job Search? Think Again!


Material by Chris Maymire

I attend the local chapter of Business Professional Exchange.  Every week we have a lesson and some practice on getting a job.   I’ve learned a great deal so far. Below are notes I took of Mr. Waymire’s recent class on the Quality of Being.

What kind of BEING do you need in a job search?

BE AVAILABLE – Let people know you are available. Don’t assume they know.

BE NICE to everybody.

  • Help the interviewer be the best interviewer.
  • Use rejection letter to write NICE thank you letter reinforcing your skills (maybe they hired the wrong person…).


  • For what you want to be remembered for, be on your toes
  • Be appropriate in every interaction.
  • Be on your BEST behavior.


  • Use networking events and get to as many as you can. Networking is about establishing relationships.
  • Be together with people to network.
  • Be connected through networking. Seventy percent of people getting hired knew someone who did delegating bragging for them.


  • Be ENTHUSIASTIC… Smile! Ask Questions, be engaged.


  • What do you want? Be clear about it.
  • Be TARGETED – No shotgun resume approach.
  • DON’T look for the HR person, look for the person I can get my resume to who can get it to a decision maker


  • Embrace failure as a learning experience.
  • Every job search is a series of no’s followed by a yes.
  • Be COMMITTED. Don’t just dabble at a job search
  • Be IN CONTROL. Statistically, takes over 5 hours per day of focusing on Job search to be successful. Spend the time to become an expert at getting a job.

Be Informed

  • Be able to teach the interviewer. Do homework and digging ahead of time.

Be Healthy – can speak to your impression of commitment to the job.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – –

Our class then brainstormed “BE” Qualities and here are the combined results.

  • Be Timely —  10 or 15 minutes early.
  • Follow instructions on resumes
  • Where do I want to spend my time in my search?
  • Be Proactive —  Anticipate things, planning preparing, not waiting for someone to do it for you
  • Be Helpful – what goes around comes around… share Job Leads
  • Be Assertive – not aggression or pushy, but I have a right to ask
  • For what I want
  • Be Careful – Watch for scams and pitfalls, false assumptions
  • But proceed!
  • Watch for the minefields: not prepared for interview, late, cant find it, etc.
  • Be Teachable & Open minded
  • Willing to learn, able to take suggestions
  • Be a Mentor/Teacher to help others
  • Be Sensitive especially to other cultures.
  • Be Honest and Genuine
  • Be Hopeful
  • Be Respectful – treat others the way you want to be treated
  • Be Responsible – be a worker someone wants to employ
  • Be Upbeat – positive – don’t bad mouth previous employer
  • Be Diligent
  • Be Connected
  • Be Receptive
  • Be Prepared (Get good at interviewing)